Holiday Gift Giving Tips and Checklist

It's happened again - you blinked, summer is over, and it's freaking November!  I like to be in denial that the holiday season is here until a week before Thanksgiving, but I'm also a planner, so I've created a handy gift giving checklist to streamline the process, and tips below to make the gift giving process a joy and less of a chore. There is a downloadable/printable version HERE.
1) Budget 
Make a list of your family members, friends, and acquaintances, the  create a budget.
2) Wish Lists
Encourage your close friends/relatives to send you their hand-selected picks via an online registry at your favorite retail website, or e-mail you a few suggestions.
3) Set Deadlines
Make a few of deadlines for a) Selecting the gift  b) Purchasing c) Ship by / deliver by date
4) Be Prepared
Make sure to have gift wrap, ribbon, etc. on hand for wrapping and shipping supplies ready to go as soon as you've gotten the gift.

Here are some guidelines on appropriate gifts for those acquaintances in your life:

Boss: Small consumable gifts (i.e. movie tickets, wine, chocolate) or a holiday card.
Coworker: If you want to give a gift to one specific coworker, do so discreetly. Otherwise,  give a small token to everyone, like homemade baked goods or a small plant.
Daycare worker: Gift value up to $75.
Dentist/doctor: Holiday card.
Dog walker: Up to one week's pay.
Hairstylist/manicurist, etc.: Double the tip or the cost of a visit.
House cleaner: Up to one week's pay

Teacher: Your child can help to make a festive card, bake cookies, or put together a gift basket.

You can download our handy gift giving checklist HERE. I hope you've found this helpful, and I'd love to hear any comments and questions you might have below! 


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